MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

WINFA s.r.o.

Company ID: 34141901

Producer of special durable lightweight ABROLL container from HARDOX
Sale: abrasion-resistant HARDOX sheets, high-strength STRENX sheets, high-strength DOCOL sheets, armoured sheets ARMOX, TOOLOX tool sheets, MTG teeth, and special hardened screws for construction loading equipment
Repairs: excavator, loader buckets, crushing, sorting equipment, and DUMPER truck bed repairs
Delivery: custom-made cut-outs from supplied materials to a thickness of 1 - 300mm production of spare abrasion-resistant parts for construction, crushing, recycling, mining equipment and cranes
Cutting: 3D plasma – for thickness of 1 - 100mm, table size 3000x16000mm
oxygen - gas (acetylene) - for thickness of 8 - 300mm, table size 3000x16000mm
laser – for thickness of 0,1 - 25mm, table size 2550x6050mm
Bending: a force of 1600t over a length of 9m, 180t over a length of 3m, and 600t over a length of 5m
Rolling: up to 40mm over a length of 2m
Milling, grinding, sanding, drilling, thread cutting, CNC 3.5 axis machining

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 128

Address of the company


Trstínska 21
917 01, Trnava
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map
+421 335 545 570


ISO 9001:2015

SOŠ AQAP 2110:2017

Represented brands

ARMOX High-strength sheet metal

HARDOX High-strength sheet metal

STRENX High-strength sheet metal

Represented companies


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