MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair



Yuan-Cheng Aluminum Co., Ltd. has over 30 years of experience on aluminum extrusion. We started from manufacturing conventional aluminum doors and windows to the popular industrial aluminum extrusion manufacturing. We have gradually integrated various industrial aluminum extrusion technologies when manufacturing conventional aluminum doors and windows, and are capable of manufacturing all sorts of aluminum alloys with special requirements with different processing methods such as forging, turning, fine pumping, punching, pipe bending and others.

Our one-stop manufacturing process from mold designing, extrusion, fabricating, surface treatment and packaging is strictly controlled. We have won the confidence of our customers by persisting on consistent quality and have successfully exported our products in to the world.

Yuan-Cheng Aluminum Co., Ltd. will use the latest technology and the precise management approach to manufacture more versatile and diversified aluminum extrusion products. We believe that by selecting Yuan-Cheng Aluminum Co., Ltd., as your business partner, together we can create a better future!

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 084A

Address of the company


NO 117-31 Liu An, Liu An Li, Chia Li Dist.
72242, Tainan City
Taiwan Show the location of main office on map
+886 672 636 46


ISO 9001 : 2015

D-U-N-S 65-767-8777

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