
International Fair for Motorcycles, ATVs, Accessories and Clothing - Zamykací držáky pro smartphony

Company ID: 8078432

HOLDER 2.0 is our main product. It is lockable and fully adjustable holder for smartphones and tablets. It is made of stainless steel and it has antivibration dampers. We are offering it as solution, because we can provide mounting kits on various motorbikes such as Aprilia Tuareg 660, BMW R1200/1250GS, Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin, KTM Adventure bikes, Yamaha Tenere 700 and many more.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 231

Address of the company


Mokré 73
370 01, Litvínovice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 736 676 331

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