Eye Optics, Optometry and Ophthalmology Fair

07. - 09. 03. 2025 Date
Výstaviště Brno Venue
Entrances and parking

Event details

OPTA is the most important specialised presentation of eye optics and ophthalmology in the Central and Eastern European region. OPTA is co-organised by the Association of Czech Opticians and Optometrists. During the twelve years that this trade fair has been running at the Brno Exhibition Centre, both the exhibition area and the number of exhibitors have since grown four times lerger. The OPTA trade fair is not just a presentation of top fashion spectacle frames, glasses and contact lenses. Neither is it just about the technology or equipment used, but it also serves as a centre of education, offering numerous specialised lectures and seminars, including the OPTA International Congress for Optics and Optometry Educators and Professionals.

Opening hours


7.–8. 3. 9.00–19.00
9. 3. 9.–12.00
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