
Child Products Fair


Company ID: 17084946

Baby carrier Wildride
The Wildride baby carrier is the best friend of children who run out of strength on trips or normal walks and their legs just don't want to go any further.
However, they are also great helpers for parents. They will help you with normal shopping, walking pets and all kinds of other activities of your daily life.
The carrier is intended for children from 8 to 20 kg or from the age when the child can sit up by himself. They are very compact and so you can always have them at hand. However, it is not intended for all-day wear, but only for carrying.
There are many color and pattern options to choose from, from leopard pattern to cream waffle.
However, Wildride is not only a carrier, it is also a stylish addition to your outfit.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 048

Address of the company


Lhota pod Hořičkami 48
552 05, Hořičky
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 727 972 877

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