
Child Products Fair


Company ID: 1418726

Sleepee is a brand of products designed for calm, safe, and quality sleep for your children.

Sleep is one of the basic human needs and is necessary for an excellent physical and mental condition, which as a parent you know very well. All Sleepee products are designed to help children sleep peacefully, safely, and for a long time.

Baby nests, swaddle wraps, sleeping bags, blankets, and all other products are hand-sewn with great attention to detail and first-class quality. Each product has been thoroughly tested and the materials used are certified for children from birth.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 032

Address of the company


Kojická 1242
190 16, Praha
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 777 746 153

Represented brands

Sleepee - dětské doplňky do postýlky a kočárku

4.3 Equipment for sucklings and babies

Ahojbaby - Mojžíšovi košíky pro miminko

4.3.1 Cradles, beds, play-pens

Craffox - multifunkční učící věže

4.3.99 Equipment for sucklings and babies other

Represented companies

Czech Republic

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