
Child Products Fair

Malování na obličej Kačka

Company ID: 17129745

My name is Kačka and I have one question for you.
Do you want to organize an unforgettable party that everyone will remember for a long time? Do you want to spice up a children's party, birthday party, carnival, children's day, company parties, mall event, etc.? Since then, I am here with my team to provide you with unforgettable moments. I have
more than 10 years of experience in his field. I offer you facepainting, glitter and temporary tattoos, cotton candy, stonework and handmade stone jewelry for the face, a photo booth and much more. Please contact me if you are interested.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 065

Address of the company


Trávníky 11
691 52, Kostice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map

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