SALIMATECH and EmbaxPrint

Faisr for food industry, gastronomy, packaging and printing

JAROSPOL Technology s. r. o.

Company ID: 29320984

Supplier and manufacturer of bakery equipment and technology. Exclusive distributor of French BONGARD machines. Production of WETBOX proofers and CLIMATROP climate units awarded with Zlata Salima 2016.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 088

Address of the company


Dr. Milady Horákové 343/55
671 72, Miroslav
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 513 330 95

Represented brands

Bertrand Puma

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other


16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other


16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other


16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other


16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other


16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other

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