International Forestry and Hunting Fair

Agama a.s.

Company ID: 544965

The purely Czech family company Agama a.s. was established in 1990 and has since successfully specialized in the field of forestry technology. Our main focus is on the development and production of high-quality forestry equipment, as well as the import and sale of renowned foreign products. We possess a high level of expertise in the field of tractor attachments, truck attachments, and tractor winches with hydraulics. It is also worth mentioning the production of special trailers and hitches. An integral part is the service, which has been a priority for us since the very beginning of the company's existence. Not only thanks to the quality infrastructure but also due to the mobile service, we cover the entire Czech Republic and Slovakia. With a solid foundation, we are able to provide comprehensive services for a wide range of customers.

Since 2008, we have been actively involved in the modernization of production technologies, allowing us to manufacture all our products using the latest technological processes. This ensures the maintenance of our products at the highest level. In the development of new machinery, Agama emphasizes the use of innovative technologies, including the implementation of modern electronics, which significantly enhances the useful properties of our products.

LOCATION: Open air space R / 002

Address of the company


Huštěnovská 2001
686 03, Staré Město
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 572 541 701

Represented brands


45.3 Single-purpose and multioperational logging machines


45.3 Single-purpose and multioperational logging machines


45.4 Chippers

Nisula Forest

45.3 Single-purpose and multioperational logging machines


49.6 Cleaving machines


47.2 Saddle trailers, trailers, semi-trailers, bunks and containers

Tajfun LIV

47.3 Hydraulic cranes and other handling equipment

Represented companies

Nisula Forest Oy

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