International Forestry and Hunting Fair

Česká lesnická společnost, z. s.

Company ID: 549746

Czech Forestry Society (CFS) is a status-based social organization, bringing together persons whose professional activity or interest is precisely related to forests, forest management, forestry education, research, woodworking and nature and landscape protection. In its activities, the ČLS continues the more than 150-year tradition of forestry social organizations in the territory of today's Czech Republic, where it also currently operates.
Among the main educational activities of the organization are the organization of professional seminars and forestry evenings, intended for experts, but in some cases also for the general public. CFS also participates in the forestry competition YPEF (Young people in European forests). The Republican Committee, elected from representatives of individual CFS branch associations, then participates in commenting on legislative changes or in other debates on societal topics. Especially thanks to the numerous membership base in the branch associations, the social life is also maintained within the CFS.

LOCATION: Pavilion Z / 019

Address of the company


Novotného lávka 200/5
110 00, Praha 1
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 723 399 475

Represented brands


58 Research, education, services and literature in forestry

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