
International Stainless Steel Fair

Verlag Focus Rostfrei GmbH


Focus Rostfrei/Stainless Steel Focus is a major source of information for the stainless steel industry. It has a worldwide distribution, and a specialist readership which includes stainless steel mills, traders, service centres and stockholders, and users/fabricators, as well as suppliers of raw materials. It provides news and analysis of the markets for stainless steel and the raw materials for stainless steel production - nickel, chrome and stainless steel scrap. Contents include company news and company profiles; market supply and demand; forecasts; prices; processing and processors, and applications and users.

LOCATION: Pavilion B / 080

Address of the company


Marsstr. 16-18
46509, Xanten
Germany Show the location of main office on map
+49 280 198 260

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