Stavební veletrh Brno
Building Fair Brno
Event details
The Building Fair Brno presents a cross-section view of the entire construction industry. It covers construction of buildings, building crafts and technologies, construction materials and products, building structures and technical equipment of buildings. The period of holding of the fair at the beginning of the year allows obtaining the necessary information, overview of new products and finding contractors and builders before the start of the construction season.
The main topic of the Building Fair 2020 will be Inner Environment in Buildings and Thermal Comfort, which will interweave through all four days of the fair. It will focus on the following topics: Green Roofs and Facades, Heating and Cooling, Ventilation and Sun-shading and Lighting and Acoustics. In addition to product presentations, interesting lectures and demonstrations, trade visitors and the general public will also be offered a number of free advisory centres, student competitions and demonstrations of the work of apprentices organised to support crafts.
Opening hours
Stavební veletrh Brno
26.–28. 2. | 9.00–18.00 |
29. 2. | 9.00–17.00 |