Building Fair Brno

Building Fair Brno

Prefa Brno a.s.

Company ID: 46901078

We are a leading manufacturer of concrete building components in the Czech Republic. We specialize in supplying high-quality concrete, reinforced concrete, and prestressed concrete products and providing services related to the delivery of our products for a wide range of construction activities.

In our product range, you will find a variety of original products and structures, such as:

Complete structural systems for industrial, civil, and residential construction
Large-scale tanks and other special prefabricates for engineering structures
Special shapes and solutions for pipes and shafts for sewer construction
Complete ranges of aesthetic products for paved areas, urban furniture, and garden architecture.

LOCATION: Pavilion A2 / 001, Pavilion A2 / 001A

Address of the company


Kulkova 4231/10
615 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 541 583 111

Represented companies

Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Czech Republic

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