Building Fair Brno

Building Fair Brno

Hutchhouse - modulové domky

Company ID: 29310091

Our company dates back to 1992. More than 30 years of experience in the field is reflected in our professional team, which fulfills every wish of our customers. The company Hutch House originally started as a sawmill, but gradually the production of floors, parquet and other assortment was added to our portfolio, until we expanded our specialization to the production of modular houses.

We know very well that progress marches unstoppably forward and our goal is to have satisfied customers not only here, but also abroad. That is why we are constantly innovating our production methods to keep up with the times and its latest technologies and needs.

Our other services include the production of roof trusses and sawmill production. Contact real experts in your field!

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 028, Pavilion V / 028A

Address of the company


Městečko 558
696 32, Ždánice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 737 229 224

Address 2

010 01, Žilina-Strážov
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map
+421 903 444 448

Fields of activity

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