Changes for the builder of a family house after the amendment to building law of January 2018
JUDr. Petra Adámková, Ph.D.
Are you building or going to build a family house? As of 1 January 2018, another major amendment to the Building Law (Act No. 183/2006 Coll.), implemented by Act No. 225/2017 Coll. has come into force. This new amendment extends the range of projects for which simplified procedures can be used (planning permission and notification), but on what conditions?
How to buy a home – property inspection
Ing. arch. Petr Brandejský
What all you can learn from a property inspection; why it is worthwhile and how it can make the purchase easier for you, burden less on your budget and make your housewarming comfortable.
Neighbours under scrutiny of law – building to plot boundaries
JUDr. Petra Adámková, Ph.D.
For example: consent of the neighbour to the construction or his appeal against it; construction and maintenance of buildings on the boundaries of a plot; fences and green areas on the boundaries of a plot.

Building Fairs Brno
Building Fairs
Accompanying program
Hall P – Room P4
Flood Protection in the City of Brno
Water in Brno Project
Ing. Janebová, Ing. Kostková, Department of Water and Forest Management and Agriculture
Nature-friendly flood protection measures
Ing. David Veselý – Povodí Moravy, s.p.
Technical options of implementation of flood protection measures in Brno
Ing. Tomáš Roth, Aquatis a.s.
Flood area and flood hazard in the city of Brno
Ing. Iva Jelínková - Povodí Moravy, s.p.
Areas in the city of Brno threatened by floods
Ing. Michal Cibulka – South Moravian Regional Authority
Hall A – Rotunda room
Opening Conference: Fast rail links in the Czech Republic - Engineering Day 2018
Admission: upon invitation.
This programme is included in the Lifelong Learning of the Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians and is rated at 1 credit point.
• Current status of preparation of the system of fast rail links in the Czech Republic, Mgr. Ing. Radek Čech, Ph.D., Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization.
• Programme of support for railway technology platform to accelerate the construction of fast link routes, doc. Ing. Otto Plášek, Ph.D., Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology.
• Foreign lecture on development in Germany.
• Foreign lecture on development in Austria.
• Feasibility study of the Brno Railway Junction – results and current developments, Ing. Mojmír Nejezchleb, Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization.
/ Lecture stage
Reports from the international competition "PLUMBER APPRENTICE 2018" as part of the Czech Hands project; promo videos of secondary vocational schools in the field of building services
Vocational schools and their revival. How to attract children when they finish primary school and stimulate their interest in craftsmanship.
Czech Republic Championship with international participation of young whitesmiths, roofers, carpenters, gas equipment mechanics and chimney sweeps
Czech Republic Finals of the Professional Skills Competition "Plumber Apprentice 2018"
Come in to support competitiveness, skills and expertise of our vocational schools' 3rd grade students in the plumber discipline, individuals and teams. This year, the 21st edition of the Professional Skills Competition "Plumber Apprentice 2018" is held. Ceremonial introduction will take place on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 19:00 o'clock, at the Large Meeting Room of the South Moravian Regional Authority.
The competition is part of the Czech Hands project.
Hall E – Room E2
3D FÓRUM – a conference dedicated to SW for designing and 3D printing
Vstup: pro registrované účastníky.
/ Lecture stage
Award Ceremony – Winners of the Regional Round of the 2018 Knowledge Olympiad
Hall P will host an award ceremony presenting the winners of a prestigious competition – the XIV edition of the Knowledge Olympiad of the Plumbers and Heating Engineers Guild of the Czech Republic, attended by organizers, sponsors and partners, headmasters and teachers from vocational schools, and parents.
Hall P – Room P3
Nationwide Round of the Knowledge Olympiad of the Plumbers and Heating Engineers Guild of the Czech Republic
Ten students, winners of the regional round, advance to the finals of this Olympiad. The purpose of this contest is to promote competition among students, increase and balance the level of education at individual schools, and help schools get equipped with modern teaching aids.
Hall P – Room P2
PROPERTY PURCHASE AND SMART LIVING BLOCK II: Choice of technologies for modern living.
Ventilation and intelligent regions
Ing. Petr Komínek, Brno University of Technology
Solid fuel heating and experience from the EWC test lab
Ing. Smolinský, Engineering Test Institute, Public Enterprise, BRNO
Administration Building – Room 103
Presidium Meeting of the Plumbers and Heating Engineers Guild of the Czech Republic
Past Period Activity Report – Master Exams – Vocational Education – Amos Educational Programme – Heating Installation Conference Programme.
Hall P – Room P4
Schiedel, s.r.o. – meeting with students
/ Lecture stage
The ultimate solution to rising damp (rehabilitation of buildings having rising damp issues)
/ Voroněž Hotel
Admission: fee payment.
The Symposium is included in the Lifelong Learning Program of the Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians – A3 – 2 points and the system of lifelong professional education of the Czech Chamber of Architects members – 4 points.
Hall P – Room P2
Meeting of members of the Association of Prefabricated Home Suppliers
Admission: upon invitation.
Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce
Trade opportunities in Kosovo – a contact forum
Admission: upon invitation.
"Adventure with Craft" – a competition for schools
Students of secondary vocational schools are in for technical tasks and material prizes. The competition is focused on expertise in heating and plumbing crafts.
Hall P – Room P4
SUN SHADING DEVICES AND WINDOWS: International conference on benefits of sun shading devices
History, present and future of sun shading
Ing. Miroslav Jakubec, SVST, SERVIS CLIMAX a.s.
Current legislation in the area of sun shading technology
Dana Školová, Building Research Institute
Why sun shading is an integral part of a window – from the viewpoint of a developer of insulating glass
Michal Bílek, Energy IN s.r.o.
Examples of integration of sun shading devices into thermal insulation systems
Doc. Šárka Šilarová, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Sun shading made really smart
Ing. Milan Randl, SVST, LOXONE s.r.o.
Czech Republic Championship with international participation of young whitesmiths, roofers, carpenters, gas equipment mechanics and chimney sweeps
Czech Republic Finals of the Professional Skills Competition "Plumber Apprentice 2018"
Come in to support competitiveness, skills and expertise of our vocational schools' 3rd grade students in the plumber discipline, individuals and teams. This year, the 21st edition of the Professional Skills Competition "Plumber Apprentice 2018" is held. Ceremonial introduction will take place on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 19:00 o'clock, at the Large Meeting Room of the South Moravian Regional Authority.
The competition is part of the Czech Hands project.
Plumbing Trade History – an exhibition
Historical products from Myjava, on loan by the company Slovarm, a.s. – historical drain fittings with Bakelite grips, outlet valves, porcelain mixer taps and cast iron shut-off valves, and a lot more.
Hall A – Room Morava
Award ceremony of the competition "Construction of the South Moravian region 2018“
Admission: upon invitation.
Hall P – Room P1
BIM – the role of designers and manufacturers
Admission: free, registration by e-mail:
Establishment of the Czech Agency for Standardisation and its role in the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Czech construction industry.
BIM support at the level of cooperation among European chambers of engineers.
Standardisation of non-graphical data in a 3D model as a necessary basis for an effective use of the BIM method in the designing and construction of buildings.
Cloud solution to BIM product information – catalogues and libraries of manufacturers of construction materials, products and their sets are continuously updated and publicly accessible.
Opening address:
prof. Ing. Alois Materna, CSc., MBA, and Marie Báčová
BIM method introduction concept in the Czech Republic
Ing. Petr Serafín, Director, Department of Construction and Building Materials, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Role of the Czech Standardisation Agency in the BIM implementation
Ing. Jaroslav Nechyba, Director of the BIM Concept Department of the Czech Standardisation Agency
Activities of the European Council of Engineers Chambers in the BIM implementation
BR h. C. DI Klaus Thürriedl, Secretary General of the European Council of Engineers Chambers
Role of the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers
prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Vladimír Benko, PhD., SKSI Chairman
Standardisation of non-graphical data in 3D models of buildings
Ing. Jan Klečka, Metrostav a.s., Head of Working Group 03 Expert Board for BIM
Ing. arch. Petr Vokoun, Manager, BIM Project s.r.o.
Ing. Vladimír Martínek, AED project a.s.
This programme is included in the Lifelong Learning of the Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians and is rated at 1 credit point.
/ Lecture podium
Timber construction on KRINNER ground screws – how to get started and how the foundations are made State of the art, zero concrete foundation systems with the use of professional equipment
We can lay foundations of a timber structure for you in a fraction of the time normally needed, thanks to the ground screws – the foundation can be loaded immediately, technological break is needed for concrete casting. No digging, concrete casting or removal of excavated soil.
KRINNER ground screws are tested for pressure, tensile and lateral load.
Hall P – Room P3
Meeting of members and partners of the Association of Prefabricated Home Suppliers
Admission: upon invitation.
Information about the activities of the Association of Prefabricated Home Suppliers; presentation of selected companies and guests.
/ Voroněž Hotel
Admission: fee payment.
The Symposium is included in the Lifelong Learning Program of the Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians – A3 – 2 points and the system of lifelong professional education of the Czech Chamber of Architects members – 4 points.
Congress Centre – Room B
Meeting of headmasters and teaching specialists of vocational schools teaching the Building Services, Mechanic of Plumbing and Electrical Devices and Plumber subjects
Admission: upon invitation.
Hall P – Room P3
Assessment of construction products – Regulation (EU) 305/2011
The Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011. One of the conditions for the market to offer quality and safe construction products, and for us to have properly designed and constructed buildings, are consistent, clear and uncomplicated rules, the adherence to which is legally enforceable. Another condition, not any less important, is the correct application of the rules based on their detailed knowledge.
Ing. Alena Šimková, C4Construction Prague
The Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011: in a new way
Introduction of a methodological aid by the Czech Chamber of Certified Construction Engineers and Technicians concerning the activity of authorized persons
Ing. Alena Šimková, C4Construction Prague
The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) as a tool for objective assessment of a construction product according to its environmental properties
Ing. Lubomír Keim, CSc., Building Research Institute Prague
Reuse of construction products from reconstructed buildings
How to market an innovative building product that would otherwise become waste
Ing. Alena Šimková, C4Construction Prague
Recycling of inert mineral waste and use of recycled materials in construction
Sustainable use of natural resources under Regulation (EU) 305/2011 (7th basic requirements for construction works)
Doc. Ing. Miroslav Škopán, CSc., ARMS Chairman, Brno University of Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Ing. Alena Šimková, C4Construction Prague
This programme is included in the Lifelong Learning of the Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians and is rated at 1 credit point.
Plumbing Trade History – an exhibition
Historical products from Myjava, on loan by the company Slovarm, a.s. – historical drain fittings with Bakelite grips, outlet valves, porcelain mixer taps and cast iron shut-off valves, and a lot more.
Ukázka řemeslných prací žáků SŠSŘ Brno-Bosonohy (řezbáři, truhláři, zedníci, pokrývači, kominíci…)
/ Přednáškové molo
Healthy living in a modern wooden house
Ing. Karel Krontorád, CSc., Mendel University in Brno
Wooden houses from the point of view of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Doc. Ing. Daniela Tesařová, Ph.D., Mendel University in Brno
Factors influencing the inner atmosphere of wooden houses
Ing. Tomáš Hrdlička,
Revolution in construction: year 2020
Ing. Josef Slováček, Association for the Use of Heat Pumps
"ZERO" WOODEN HOUSE, what is it and who wouldn't want one?
Ing. Milan Schmiedt, MS HAUS s.r.o.
A wooden house that has energy under control
Ing. Michal Šopík, Vesper Frames, s.r.o.
Be fit. ČEZ houses as power stations.
Ing. Vratislav Blaha, CSc., Association of Prefabricated Home Suppliers
What should be taken into consideration when choosing a contractor for your new wooden house?
Bohuslav Březina, XENYLLA s.r.o.
HEATING INFRAPANELS – a new direction in heating
Ing. Jaroslav Benák, Fermacell GmbH
Acoustics – a strength of wooden houses
Jan Bauchner, Adler Česko s.r.o.
PLATINUM – a modern, maintenance-free surface finish of wooden facades
Ing. Lenka Trandová, Association of Prefabricated Home Suppliers
Commented examples of quality wooden houses made by Association of Prefabricated Home Suppliers members
Hall A – Rotunda room
Award ceremony of the competition "Plumber Apprentice 2018" – international participants
Hall A – Rotunda room
Award ceremony of the competition "Plumber Apprentice 2018"
Admission: upon invitation.
Hall P – Room P4
GDPR for craftsmen and service technicians
Admission: free of charge for members of Plumbers and Heating Engineers Guild of the Czech Republic; CZK 490,- + VAT for non-members.
New personal data protection regulation will come into force this year. What does it mean? What are the basic principles that the regulation requires and how to meet them at the lowest possible cost. How to get ready? Specific recommendations.
• Legislation; explanation of what is actually changing, and implications for the business of the firms that deal with installation.
• Examples of what a small service and installation firm should do.
/ Lecture stage
Live Better and Cheaper with Our Subsidies
Do you own a family house and wonder how to cut costs? Make use of favourable subsidies from the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic. Financial contributions from the New Green Savings Programme can be disbursed on schemes such as thermal insulation of a house, windows and doors replacement, electric boiler replacement with a heat pump, installation of solar systems or forced ventilation with heat recovery. A new family house meeting the passive house standards will cost you up to 450,000 CZK less with the use of our subsidies. And if you are thinking about how to irrigate your garden in a dry summer and how to save on drinking water costs in your household, you might be able to get a subsidy from the Dešťovka (Rainwater) programme. Come in and learn how big a subsidy you can get. We will show you on real-life examples that it does make sense and that getting subsidies is not as difficult as it is sometimes said.
Demonstration of craftsmanship products by students of the Construction Crafts Vocational School in Brno - Bosonohy (carvers, carpenters, bricklayers, roofers, chimney sweeps...)
/ Lecture stage
Live Better and Cheaper with Our Subsidies
Do you own a family house and wonder how to cut costs? Make use of favourable subsidies from the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic. Financial contributions from the New Green Savings Programme can be disbursed on schemes such as thermal insulation of a house, windows and doors replacement, electric boiler replacement with a heat pump, installation of solar systems or forced ventilation with heat recovery. A new family house meeting the passive house standards will cost you up to 450,000 CZK less with the use of our subsidies. And if you are thinking about how to irrigate your garden in a dry summer and how to save on drinking water costs in your household, you might be able to get a subsidy from the Dešťovka (Rainwater) programme. Come in and learn how big a subsidy you can get. We will show you on real-life examples that it does make sense and that getting subsidies is not as difficult as it is sometimes said.
/ Lecture stage
Stories of Passive Houses
Passive houses in the eyes of their owners, architects, designers and construction firms.
Stories of people and their homes... authentic dialogues and experiences.
/ Přednáškové molo
Timber construction on KRINNER ground screws – how to get started and how the foundations are made State of the art, zero concrete foundation systems with the use of professional equipment
We can lay foundations of a timber structure for you in a fraction of the time normally needed, thanks to the ground screws – the foundation can be loaded immediately, technological break is needed for concrete casting. No digging, concrete casting or removal of excavated soil.
KRINNER ground screws are tested for pressure, tensile and lateral load.