International Fashion Fair

LERROS Fashion CZ spol. s r.o.

Company ID: 27186601

We have been operating as a distributor of fashion brands on the Czech market since 2004 and in Slovakia since 2013. The brands we represent include: the German clothing brands LERROS Men and Lerros Accessories, of which we are also a subsidiary, as well as the Danish clothing brands b.young, Fransa and the German fashion handbags, bags and accessories Suri Frey and Emily & Noah. We care about partnership and it is important to us where the brands we represent are offered and sold.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / C004

Address of the company


Nám. Smiřických 38/2
104 00, Praha 10
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 775 080 082

Represented brands


1.13 Womenswear - full-range collections


1.13 Womenswear - full-range collections


2.9 Menswear - full-range collections

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