International Fair of Agricultural Technology


Company ID: 5470169058

We are pleased to introduce you to BEZALIN S.A. – a modern company with traditions, a leader on the domestic market of technical textile, agricultural and firefighting products.

BEZALIN started as a small private workshop founded in the second half of the 19th century. At its beginnings it made ropes from natural fibres by the simplest methods. Over the years, it evolved into a modern production plant using the latest technologies and the know-how accrued through the long-standing experience in the industry.

We can be proud of a very wide selection of products. We cater mainly for such industries as agriculture - Bezalin Agro, firefighting - Bezalin Fire, sports - Bezalin Sport and technical industry Bezalin Tech.

AThe application of Bezalin products is practically unlimited and often depends on the ingenuity of the user.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 046

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