International Fair of Agricultural Technology

ServisProFarmu s. r. o.

Company ID: 5914833

ServisProFarma s.r.o. is now the exclusive representative for the Czech Republic for the sale of Agripak Szumacher Sp.k. agricultural machinery.

Discover the latest technologies and services that can transform your farming business.

What We Offer:
* Innovative Machines
* Expert Advice
* Service and Support

We look forward to your visit and the opportunity to show you how ServisProFarm s.r.o. can support your farm business.

LOCATION: Open air space A / 018A, Open air space A / 018

Address of the company


Habřinka 3
533 41, Bukovka
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 775 726 962

Represented brands

Agripak Szumacher Sp.k.

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

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