International Fair of Agricultural Technology

Státní zkušebna strojů a.s.

Company ID: 27146235

Státní zkušebna strojů a.s. (Government Testing Laboratory of Machines) offers services connected with testing, assessment of conformity and certification of machines, vehicles and equipment, specified particularly for agriculture, forestry, building industry, municipal services mining and food industry. Agricultural and forestry vehicles are approved according to Regulation (EU) No. 167/2013 of the European Parliament and Council, road vehicles are approved according to Regulation No. 2018/858. Protective structures are also tested according to OECD codes.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 028

Address of the company


Třanovského 622/11
163 04, Praha 6 - Řepy
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 736 658 332

Represented companies

COV Certifikační orgán pro certifikaci výrobků / Product certification body
Czech Republic
Testing Laboratory of Machines
Czech Republic
Notifikovaná osoba / Oznámený subjekt 1016 / NB 1016
Czech Republic
Zkušební laboratoř / Testing Laboratory
Czech Republic

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