Christmas Shopping Centre

Christmas Shopping Centre


Company ID: 1958992

RESDOGS, z.s. is an intervention canine organization that uses specially trained dogs to help in the search for missing, lost and wanted persons. The activity is carried out free of charge within the Czech and Slovak Republics. We cooperate both with the police and rescue brigades associated with the IZS.
IBHA, d.z.n.o. is a training organization whose goal is teaching, training and certification of specially trained search dogs using the mantrailing method.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 121

Address of the company


Tumaňanova 42
621 00, Brno Mokrá Hora
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 720 968 747

Address 2

Hlavná 18/19
951 48, Jarok
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map

Represented brands


11 Books, promotion, counselling

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