Curapidly growingent soil condition
Speaker: J. Vopravil
Degrading changes in the Central European landscape
Speaker: B. Šarapatka
Life in the soil - a parameter of the production capacity of the soil
Speaker: J. Záhora

Trade Fair for Renewable Sources of Energy in Agriculture
Life In The Soil
Composting technology, design of composting plants
Speaker: J. Šrefl
Compacted soil and root systems
Speaker: E. Erhart
Agricultural enterprise with crop production, animal production, biogas plant and composting plant. Systems forefficient use of both own and external resources
Speaker: L. Civín
Soil potential in the regions
Speaker: K. Vítek
/ Poplar Stage
Wood Mass Energy Use I.
What is important to know when choosing a new wood, pellet and chips boiler
Speaker: Mendel University in Brno, Ing.et Ing. Jan Klepárník, Ph.D.
From the cultivation of rapidly growing poplars to regional heating
Speaker: Rapidly growing poplars, Ing. Radim Luňáček
Firewood production – proposed technologies, production examples, various work processes
Speaker: DŘEVO-PRODUKT SV, spol. s r.o., Ing. Oldřich Václavek
Pellet heating for everyone: pellet market - their sufficiency and quality, pellet boiler rooms, boiler offer, boiler subsidy advice
Speaker: Czech Pellet Cluster, Ing. Vladimír Stupavský
/ Poplar Stage
Wood Mass Energy Use II.
From the cultivation of rapidly growing poplars to regional heating
Speaker: Rapidly growing poplars, Ing. Radim Luňáček
What is important to know when choosing a new wood, pellet and chips boiler
Speaker: Mendel University in Brno, Ing.et Ing. Jan Klepárník, Ph.D.
Discussion forum on wood fuel (chips, pellets, lumber)
DŘEVO-PRODUKT SV, spol. s r.o., Ing. Jaroslav Cink, Ing. Stanislav Václavek
TÜV NORD Czech, s.r.o., Laboratories and testing rooms Brno, RNDr. Alice Kotlánová
Life In The Soil
Life in the soil – parameters of soil production capacity
Speaker: J. Záhora
Quality of compost, certification
Speaker: K. Hejátková
/ Poplar Stage
Wood Mass Energy Use III.
Forestry and agricultural biomass - their combined use by composting
Speaker: Mendel University in Brno, Prof. Ing. Radomír Ulrich, CSc.,
AGROINTEG s.r.o., Ing. Josef Šrefl, CSc.
Preparation, transport and storage of chips and pellets (advice, experience). Consequences of boiler heating with inappropriate fuel
Speaker: DŘEVO-PRODUKT SV, spol. s r.o., Ing. Jaroslav Cink
Use of heat and energy from biomass in various industrial sectors and particularly in the agri-food sector
Speaker: The agrarian chamber CR,Forest-wood Chamber CR, Ing. Andrea Pondělíčková, Biomass Commodity Board, Ing. Oldřich Václavek
Quality and certification of fuels - pellets and chips
Speaker: TÜV NORD Czech, s.r.o., Laboratories and testing rooms Brno, RNDr. Alice Kotlánová
MULTIFERM – equipment for the production of energy compost from residual and purpose-grown phytomass
Speaker: VIA ALTA, a.s., Ing. Jakub John together with the Institute of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Engineering,
Machine line for phytomass harvesting and MULTIFERM processing
Speaker: Institute of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Engineering, MENDELU,
Ing. Jiří Pospíšil, CSc., prof. Ing. Jan Mareček, DrSc.
Life In The Soil
Synergy of green fertilization and compost - erosion, drought
Speaker: B. Badalíková
Climate and soil
Speaker: J. Rožnovský
Composting technology, design of composting plants
Speaker: J. Šrefl
Soil potential in the regions
Speaker: K. Vítek
Life In The Soil – Compost Quality, Certification
Speaker: K. Hejátková