Brno Patchwork Meeting

17th International Quilt Show Brno


Company ID: 65348966

SOTEX GINETEX CZ is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that associate about 1000 Czech companies that use care symbols on their products.
It is the care symbols, which were created more than sixty years ago, that are protected by an international trademark and are the centre of SOTEX's activities – it promotes their correct use both by manufacturing companies and their meaning by consumers.
In addition to the care symbols, SOTEX GINETEX CZ is the administrator of the only quality mark for textile products called QZ – Guaranteed Quality, which is included in the Czech Quality government programme.
In the last few years, textile care has also moved towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. A series of recommendations called have been developed for this purpose. These recommendations help consumers around the world to save both their own resources and the environment.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 018

Address of the company


Cejl 12
602 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 775 323 040

Represented brands

QZ - Zaručená kvalita

16 Associations, institutions

Symboly ošetřování

16 Associations, institutions

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