MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Asociace korozních inženýrů, z.s.

Company ID: 45249067

Association of Czech and Slovak Corrosion Engineers (AKI) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1990 by workers in the field of corrosion engineering and surface treatments. AKI brings together companies and researchers, corrosion engineers, technicians and other persons active in the field of anti-corrosion protection operating in the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

AKI's long-term goal is to reduce losses caused by corrosion by disseminating and providing access to information, transferring knowledge, educating students and experienced workers, and raising general awareness of corrosion protection.

The Association of Corrosion Engineers organizes the Corrosion Engineer course and the Corrosion Technician course, and also offers specialized courses on topics related to corrosion. Every year in November, AKI also organizes the AKI Conference, subtitled Corrosion and Protection of Materials, which is a traditional meeting of corrosion engineers from the applied and academic spheres. It represents a rare opportunity for constructive dialogue between practitioners from the chemical, energy, petrochemical and other industries and corrosion researchers. Everyone has a chance to establish new contacts and gain new experience and knowledge thanks to the factual criticism of a professionally competent audience, feedback from practitioners, or, conversely, the broad theoretical outlook of academics.

LOCATION: Pavilion E / 042

Address of the company


Technická 5
166 28, Praha 6 - Dejvice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 605 765 560

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