MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair


Company ID: 671000982

Fraid dischi srl is a company specialized in the production of cotton discs, sisal, abrasives and pastes for surface treatment.
Our history goes back to 1958, when Luciano Raineri founded the company in his warehouse in Sabbio Chiese, in the province of Brescia in northern Italy, producing discs using fabrics derived from military clothing and cotton second choice.
In 1985, the leadership passed into the hands of his son Giuseppe, current Director of the company, expanding the range of action and expanding into foreign markets.
We offer our customers more than 50 years of experience in the field by providing specific advice on the optimization of production and ensuring the production of discs according to the real needs of each individual company in relation to the market it covers and the resources that possesses.

LOCATION: Pavilion E / 027

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