MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

GUMEX, spol. s r.o.

Company ID: 49975366

The Czech family company GUMEX has been among the leading experts in hoses and seals for 30 years. This year, it was included in the "GOLD" category in the Czech Best Managed Companies program of the 29 best managed companies in the Czech Republic - this award was given to it by Deloitte.

At this year's fair, GUMEX will present a cross-section of its assortment with a focus on the most popular products. In addition to traditional hoses, profiles and tailor-made seals made of flat, compact and porous materials, it will also present a whole range of novelties: milled products from plastics, rubber and composite materials, made using new technology - a 5-axis machining center, aluminum sandwich panels and other inspiring products. Visitors to the stand will, as always, be able to "touch" samples of new materials with their own hands and consult on the optimal solution for specific applications in their operations.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 072

Address of the company


Za Drahou 1856
696 62, Strážnice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 518 399 588

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