The Smart Cities Meetup

Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s.

Company ID: 46347275

Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. develops its business in a number of fields but production and supply of water through public water supply mains and collection of wastewater wand storm water through public sewers, including their treatment, is its core business. The company keeps ranking amongst the best and most efficient Czech water utilities. The indicators proving this fact are mainly the following: water losses in the network, wastewater treatment plant performance, application of modern diagnostic methods and no-dig technologies and the number of accredited and certified operations.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 043

Address of the company


Pisárecká 555/1a
603 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 543 433 111
E-mail: bvk@bvk.cz

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