The Smart Cities Meetup


Location Pavilion A1 / 050
Location Pavilion A1 / 011
Location Pavilion A1 / 025
Location Pavilion A1 / 043
Location Pavilion A1 / 058

Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is not only the oldest, but also the largest chamber of commerce and industry in Hungary, with a diverse membership of around 4000 businesses from various sectors of the economy. BCCI is committed to supporting the economic growth and interests of its members and the city of Budapest. BCCI also plays an active role in the legislative process, the execution of economic programmes, and the regional development of the capital. BCCI offers a range of services and assistance to its members and the business community, such as economic analysis, professional training, recommendations, business relations, and legal and tax advice. BCCI knows that the success of the country depends on the success of its businesses. Our mission is to foster economic development and represent the interests of our members and the local businesses in Budapest. We adopt a ‘glocalisation’ mindset, which means we cater to both local needs and global challenges. As the capital’s chamber in the country, we have a leading role in the Hungarian system of chambers of commerce and industry. We help small and medium-sized enterprises to operate efficiently and to reach international markets. We are involved in economic legislation, lobbying, analysis, proposals, opinions, and information, as well as in cooperation with the government and local authorities. We benefit from the compulsory registration of businesses, which provides a comprehensive and updated database of business organisations.

Location Pavilion A1 / 049
Location Pavilion A1 / 071
Location Pavilion A1 / 061

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